Understanding Neurodevelopmental Disorders Through the ICF Framework
Unleashing the Power of Strengths: A Trauma-Informed Approach in Occupational Therapy
Understanding the Positive Role of Stimming in Autistic and Non-Autistic Adults
Inspiring Approaches to Supporting Autistic Individuals: A Summary and Recommendations for Professionals
Review of Dr. Kristie Patten's 2022 Eleanor Clark Slagle Lecture: Embracing a Strengths-Based Approach in Occupational Therapy: Transforming Practice, Education, and Research
Review of Article: "Understanding and Measuring LGBTQ Pathways to Health: A Scoping Review of Strengths-Based Health Promotion Approaches in LGBTQ Health Research"
The intersection of disability and trauma.
July is Disability Pride Month: Celebrating Disability Awareness
Strengths-Based Assessment Tools in Occupational Therapy
The Kawa River Model: A Trauma-Informed, Non-Westernized Model for Occupational Therapy & Beyond
The Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics (NMT)
Trauma, the Nervous System and Interoception: Unlocking the Sensory Experience
Trauma's Impact on Sensory Processing, Mental Health, and Children's Behaviors: OTs Vital Role
Embracing Strengths: A Path to Social Justice
Strengths-Based Approaches to Support Marginalized Individuals
Background of the Visual Activity Sort